The South Gulf Coast is amazingly beautiful territory that you’d be a fool to miss out on. Fortunately, you’re not a fool, and even better, you’re showing a great deal of wisdom by choosing Gulf Coast 5 Star RV Resort. While you can find us in Oyster Creek, we’re located near the Bayou City, Houston. The fourth largest city in the United States has a great deal going for it.
Up and Comer
While you’ve likely got a picture in your mind’s eye about Houston that includes oil refineries and humidity, you’re missing out on the real Houston. It is the number 1 job creator and home to 26 of the Fortune 500 companies. The only city that contains more is New York City. Houston is also home to the Texas Medical Center, the largest employer in Houston and largest medical center in the world. In fact, the complex itself is larger than downtown Dallas.
Space City
You know this, but probably don’t think too much about it. Houston, Space City, is the home of the astronaut corps. This is where American astronauts get trained. In fact, so do many international astronauts. In addition, it is a research center and houses Mission Control. If you’re interested, you should check out the Lyndon B. Johnson space Center.

Houston is also home to 19 museums in a 1.5-mile radius. There’s so many that the area is called the Houston Museum District. One outstanding museum is Houston’s Museum of Fine Arts, one of the largest museums in the U.S.